Community Experience

Community Experience (CE) is a service offered through ARI’s Habilitation Services Department. As a non-work option, it serves to facilitate community integration of participants through community service, therapeutic recreation, leisure, and functional daily activities.

Among some of the activities are Friendly Shoppers Program (weekly grocery shopping for the elderly), horticultural therapy, arts and crafts, dining out, and recycling.

If you would like more information about our Community Experience program, contact Darlene Caviness, Director of Day Programs at (203) 324-9258 ext. 3027, or e-mail Darlene at [email protected]



Habilitation Services / Day Service Operations

Day Service Options services provide individuals with disabilities opportunities to develop and maintain functional skills in a variety of settings. The program is designed to maximize independent functioning by providing training in the areas of self-care, socialization, communication, physical and emotional maturation, cognitive, leisure, and pre-vocational skills. Services are provided to develop valued, non-work related adult roles in the community and are based on individual choice and preference. Our Day Service Options department will also create trainings for persons if what they need is not currently offered.

If you would like more information, contact Darlene Caviness, Director of Day Programs at (203) 324-9258 ext. 3027, or e-mail Darlene at  [email protected]



Medical Services

ARI’s medical department provides confidential, comprehensive, individualized and up-to-date medical services to people with varying disabilities residing in ARI-managed CLAs or apartments.  ARI believes in preventative medicine and follows all aspects of the DMR (Connecticut Department of Mental Retardation) regulations for all persons served. 

Each person served has a primary care physician for routine visits. In addition, individuals see highly trained specialists as the need arises.  Emergencies are handled by utilizing local emergency facilities.  

ARI’s Medical supports consist of a full-time Nurse Manager and transportation assistance. Numerous direct service workers trained in basic first aid, medication administration, emergency medical procedures, communicable diseases and infection control, and personal hygiene. These services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you would like more information about our Medical services, please contact Kathryn Prete, Nursing Supervisor, at (203) 324-9258 ext. 3054 or e-mail her at [email protected]




Recreation at ARI encompasses three major areas.  First, recreation strives to increase friendships and relationships between the individual and his/her immediate community through recreation activities.  That takes place through notifying individuals of community based activities and services in their immediate area such as festivals, presentations, and activities.  Next, recreation creates connections between the individual and supported activities.  Supported activities include Special Olympics, Music Makers, Dance, and other activities that provide recreation with added support services.  Finally, ARI provides resources for vacations as well as organized vacations.  Vacations, such as a trip to the Bahamas, allow people to relax from the daily struggles.

Because recreation means something different to everyone, ARI starts with the individual’s preferences and provides support for each person to be able to do the type of activity they choose, with an appropriate level of assistance.  Members of ARI play golf, bocce ball, bowling, have gone to Foxwoods, taken art lessons from a professional artist, dance lessons, music lessons, fishing trips, Yankees and Bluefish games and more. Not only is recreation fun, but it also creates opportunities for relationships.  It is good to know we are part of everything, work and home and fun, just like everyone else.

For more information regarding recreation services, contact Gerard Gasparino at (203) 324-9258 ext. 3023, or e-mail [email protected]



Medical Services

Respite Care is the temporary care of a person with a disability for the purpose of offering relief to the individual and their family.

Currently ARI of Connecticut, Inc. does not offer respite services that are not funded through an individuals budget. Please check back periodically for updated information on this service.

For more information regarding respite services, contact Darlene Caviness at (203) 324-9258 ext. 3027, or e-mail Darlene at [email protected].




Support Service

The Program Management department serves  to bridge all aspects of ARI services. Program Management works as a team with all service areas to share information, objectives and strategies.

Program Management facilitates Annual Individual Plan, where goals and objectives are set. They then meet with the consumer and their team either quarterly or on a semi-annual basis to review their progress and make modifications if needed.  The consumer’s team consists of the individual, their guardians, family members, friends, case manager, day program, residential and medical staff, DDS case manager and anyone else the consumer would like to invite to their meeting.

The Program Managers maintain ongoing contact with the individuals and are available to assist them with areas such a benefit applications, team required assessments (i.e.: Speech, Physical Therapy, Psychologists, etc) and recreation opportunities.

Our Behavior Specialist and Manager of Clinical Development and Training are also an intricate component of this department. Our Behavior Specialist works closely with ARI’s direct care staff to assist them is developing and implementing strategies to assist individuals that present challenging behaviors.

Program Management’s overall goal is to assist our consumer’s in receiving the highest quality services available within all of aspects of their lives.

For more information regarding program management services, contact Darlene Caviness, Director of Day Services at (203) 324-9258 ext. 3027, or e-mail Darlene at [email protected]


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