Day Service Options
Day Service Options
Day Service Options services provide individuals with disabilities opportunities to develop and maintain functional skills in a variety of settings. The program is designed to maximize independent functioning by providing training in the areas of self-care, socialization, communication, physical and emotional maturation, cognitive, leisure, and pre-vocational skills. Services are provided to develop valued, non-work related adult roles in the community and are based on individual choice and preference. Currently the DSO program offers services geared towards Community Experience, Life Skills, Basic Skills and Senior Groups. Our Day Service Options department will also create trainings for persons if what they need is not currently offered.
If you would like more information, contact Darlene Caviness, Director of Day Services at (203) 324-9258 ext. 3027, or e-mail Darlene at [email protected].
ARI of Connecticut, Inc.
174 Richmond Hill Ave
Stamford, CT 06902
Phone: (203) 324-9258
Fax: (203) 324-3949
Business Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED
Donations to ARI of Connecticut ensure that we can fulfill our mission of enriching the lives of people with disabilities and their families by enabling them to achieve their fullest potential at home, at work, and in the community.